Basic Container

The Basic System Containers from DEUTSCHE INDUSTRIEBAU promise space solutions that can be realised at short notice.

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Basic Container

Composed with a wide range of possibilities, they offer the perfect option for office, research, sales, administration or residential purposes. They can be easily linked together, can change location at any time and are ready for use in no time.


Fast delivery

Our system modules convince with flexible application possibilities and particularly short availability. Sizes from 7 – 2,000m² allow for versatile use and a wide variety of interior design. Premises individually adapted to your personal wishes and requirements for direct use. Both as a long-term or as a medium- and short-term property, depending on your requirements, the floor plan and exterior design, energy equipment are adapted to suit your needs.




Thank you for your interest. In order for us to meet your requirements as accurately as possible, we need the information below.

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